Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yet Another Tattoo...

Well I wanted to get a tattoo while I was in Cali. So I decided to get the Rockstar Society(RSNY)logo on my hand. With RSNY across my 4 fingers. I thought it wasn't gonna hurt.

Well....I was wrong. I forgot how sensitive your hands are. The tat artist moved hella fast but it really hurt bad lol.

Look at me...Lol I was like "Oh shit! This hurts like a bitch!" lol.

Peep her. Ain't she just puuuuurrrrty:)

See the RSNY on the fingers. Woooooo, nicely. Got a new signature move for my pictures lol...

1 comment:

  1. I Can not tell a lie.... I am so feeling this tatt! its too cute, good job
